Training Themes
Creating Safer Spaces through Community Healing Practices
Purpose: Exploring what is a safer space? What do we mean by ‘Collective Healing’?
Introduction to Values – Based Practice
Purpose: To introduce values-based practice that support the creation of safer spaces and promote trauma-sensitive and identity-informed service design and delivery.
Understanding Trauma & Introduction to Trauma-Sensitive Practice
Purpose: Introduction to theory about neuroplasticity, toxic stress, trauma and its impacts on the brain, body and spirit. Develop practices that can support trauma sensitive work.
Self & Organisational Care
Reflect on personal and organisational practices to support team wellbeing and which improve service delivery.
Introduction to Identity Informed Practice
Purpose: Introduce tools for to support practitioner and organisational identity informed practice. Reflect on power dynamics that exist within humanitarian work.
Introduction to Collective Healing Practices
Purpose: In introduction to various collective healing practices including rituals, movement, music, storytelling and arts activities that support psychosocial wellbeing.