Frequently Asked Questions
What does Amna provide to partners?
Amna provides seed funding, capacity-building and mentorship and the opportunity to join a growing network of peer organisations dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of refugees and displaced communities. The amount of seed funding is dependent on each organisation’s proposal and open call requirements.
Amna also commits to using its platform to advocate for the work of its partners and visit the projects where possible for monitoring and capacity strengthening support.
What is expected of Amna partners?
Amna partners commit to attending training and capacity-strengthening events, completing a project proposal, adhering to the values of Amna, meeting financial, monitoring and evaluation and communications reporting communications requirements and using Amna funding as agreed in the project proposal.
Consistent communication is vital for the success of the partnership. Amna partners must also update Amna on any ongoing project requirements, challenges and changes to project design and implementation.
Safeguarding, confidentiality and transparency is also important. Partners agree to adhere to Amna Safeguarding policies and to notify Amna in case of a safeguarding concern or incident. The safeguarding of all individuals we work with is paramount.
How long is the open call process?
Amna open calls are usually open for around four weeks. Following the close, Amna takes care to review each application. Shortlisted organisations can expect to receive a request for interview approximately two weeks after the close of the open call.
Due diligence takes a further 2-4 weeks. All in all Amna expects to complete the onboarding process for successful organisations no more than two months after the close of applications.
Where does the training take place?
Amna aims to conduct at least part of the training in person. This is dependent on health restrictions (e.g. COVID-19) and other logistical considerations.
When does the training take place?
Training is planned to accommodate the schedules of partners and the Amna team. Once the training is scheduled partners are expected to attend.
How much funding does Amna give?
The amount depends on the open call cycle and the needs of the partner.