Our Associates

Our Associates

Romy Wakil
Consultant Therapist

Avesta Panahi

Sarah Helander
Integrative Music Psychotherapist

Christina Gougouli
Dance Movement Therapist

Romy Wakil
Consultant Therapist
Romy is a qualified psychodynamic psychotherapist working within a trauma informed approach. She works as part of RTI’s therapeutic team in what she calls her ‘soul work’ – bridging the gap between mental health and human rights. Passionate about mental health being a human right, with RTI’s team of therapists Romy is developing RTI’s provision of therapeutic groups, collective healing spaces which provide refugees and asylum seekers with access to long term, identity-informed therapeutic support. Romy, with Gabriella co-facilitates a weekly therapeutic group on Zoom for male asylum seekers and is developing trauma and identity-informed resources for psychotherapists and refugees. She has spent the last 8 years developing trauma-informed practices across multiple sectors. She was part of setting up free psychotherapy for asylum seekers in Cyprus. In London she works with clients recovering from developmental trauma, eating disorders and war survivors. Romy conducts psychotherapy in English, Arabic and French.
“I am originally Lebanese, grew up in Cyprus and now reside in London. My Lebanese heritage inspires my passion and I see asylum seekers and refugees as survivors – providing safe spaces in which they can process and learn how to regulate their nervous systems after having survived (and for many, are still surviving) trauma is a necessity in helping them land both physically and emotionally in their new surroundings.”

Avesta Panahi
Avesta is an Afghan counselling psychologist in training based in London, England. She has always had a strong interest in how humans communicate with each other emotionally and the impact of experiences and early relationships. This, coupled with her passion towards understanding the human mind, led her to pursue a professional doctorate in psychology. Alongside this interest is Avesta’s love for reading, listening to music and political discussions!

Sarah Helander
Integrative Music Psychotherapist
Sarah Helander is an integrative music psychotherapist from Finland with a specialisation in trauma-informed and multicultural practice. She has worked internationally with people in displacement, with children with special needs and on the autistic spectrum, and within the medical context, particularly with paediatric oncology patients. She has published and presented internationally.

Christina Gougouli
Dance Movement Therapist
Christina is a Dance Movement Therapist based in Larissa, Greece. She has been taking dance classes since a young age and this, along with her passion for psychology, led her to do an MA in Dance Movement Psychotherapy.
She is passionate about body-mind connection and always curious to explore all the (untold) stories that are embedded in our bodies, in a safe space with honesty and a non-judgmental approach. Christina also loves the creativity and endless opportunities of exploration movement therapy provides.
Besides her studies and continuous professional development in the psychotherapeutic field, she enjoys traveling, and developing her understanding of her own body through yoga and Argentinian tango classes!